PLAY! ; PLAY! Zine


The whole review of this game could be summed up in just two words. This game is SUPER and HOT at the same time and that should be reason enough for anyone to spare a couple of hours and play it. They won’t regret it, and they’ll end up playing for far more than just two hours.

superhot art

The easiest way to describe the game is a mixture of ‘The Stanley Parable’ and ‘Darwinia’. If you’ve played those titles you’ll know what this is about. SUPERHOT is an FPS in which you’re put to the task of eliminating enemies within a certain area, but you have one HUGE trick up your sleeve.  When you don’t move, time runs in suuuuuuper slooooow motion giving you a few seconds of advantage to plan out your next move or two, dodge a deadly salvo or grab a weapon. Great premise, great execution.


So why compare this to Darwinia? Well, the graphics are kind of reminiscent of this RTS gem from the early 2000’s. Bright white background with bright red enemies, all packaged in stark polygonal animation, giving the game that cyber-punk feel that Darwinia had. And why Stanley, you may ask?  SUPERHOT really has nothing in common with this one at first glance. But… Instead of following the famous ‘adventure line’ and dying of laughter at your guides comments, here we have totally opposite, yet similar priorities. You won’t follow any kind of storyline but you’ll certainly have an adventure in the shape of many red polygons who are, for some reason, trying to kill you. You also won’t encounter comments like “You turned left when I told you to go right, wise guy” but you’ll certainly wonder why are you doing what you’re doing, are you tricked, hooked on to the game or something else entirely. Completely opposite to expectations, nearing the end of Superhot raises many more questions than it gives answers. And those are life questions that have weight to them and are not strictly game related. Those questions might address any segment of life. And the alarming thing is – they might remain unanswered.


Although the basic campaign can be completed in about two hours, the game has a very high replay value. Try to go through a level unarmed, or only with a katana or just with the help of the surrounding inventory … The choice is yours, and you have the freedom to do it any way you think is right. And in the end you can upload the whole thing to Killstagram, where you can also see other players’ solutions. Killstagram is an online service that works on the same principles as regular Instagram, only here you don’t have Dan Bilzerian waiting for you around every corner, but action packed clips from yourself and other players. The service is still in beta and is pretty buggy, but that doesn’t spoil the overall experience.  Still the game has another big fla…………………………………………






The Origins of SUPERHOT

SUPERHOT was originally an experimental game. It was created in 2014 during the 7 day FPS jam in which the task was – you guessed it – to make a functional FPS in a week. The game’s prototype momentarily gained a lot of popularity, so the authors decided to make a complete game  and the project collected 250 thousand dollars through Kickstarter. Although the game went through some visual changes, the original worked very similarly to the way it does now. In case you’re wondering what the first version of the game looked like, you can try it out for free at the official website.


Author: Borislav Lalović




  • HOT
  • Bullet time perfection, philosophy, EVERYTHING!


  • “Short” main story

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